Let's start with a couple "questions and answers" from an article in Bella Mia Magazine, 2016 . Pages 40-46 Why did you start working with bees? I surrendered to an image I saw in my head, which was myself covered in bees standing in the middle of a pristine cul-de-sac. I followed the making of the image into a 6,000 piece puzzle. The artwork when finished was 7.5 long by 43" tall. After the first bee dance, bees followed me and I them. Now many branches of purposes are unfurling in front of us. Some of the purposes are listening to everyone’s stories of bees--- how they were stung and now afraid, how they themselves commune with the bee nation, how their relatives were beekeepers (I prefer the word bee•tender) and most importantly how people can help the bees right now. Together the Honey bees and I have an opportunity to provide inspiration and phantasmagorical ceremonies and celebrations to help educate people about how important the honeybee is in order to sustain a healthy continuation on this planet. We have a lot to celebrate about the honey bee. Bees pollinate one out of 3 bites of food we eat. Not only is their honey sweet but it is full of healing properties, as well as other medicines that come from the hive such as propolis, and wax. Did you always have a love of them, or was it more so to bring awareness to the mass bee die-offs that have been occurring in recent years? I grew up on a little farm. I was never scared of insects, the forest or the dark. Nature was safe. As child I don’t think I ever thought one part of nature was better than another. I was aware that it was all interconnected and that even an inanimate object had feelings just as much as a goat. I started dancing with honey bees before the big decline was obvious. Now that we are in trouble my dance with bees is a great way for me to get people to see the magic and beauty of the great communal life of the bee. To encompass the bigger picture and become part of the solution instead of the problem. The more of us who provide protected environments for things to grow organically for pollinators to pollinate, the better. Those hard working people are adding time to our planet. Many are creating spaces for healing and rebirth by creating organic sanctuary’s for bees, and safe haven for the future of plant, animals and humanity, 'This artwork is 7'x 43", 6,000 piece puzzle. It's framed and for sale, $2,700.00, contact me here if you're interested.
I have been dancing with Honey Bees since 2001. Archives
March 2019